Friday 14 October 2011


Interesting little word.
It's an expression of a little child who says this pointing at the call bell of any home...Teetoong!
She happens to be my 4-year old niece who gave me this word about a year and a half back.

Teetoong! for me is the sound of consciousness inside the heart of my heart. This Teetoong! the inner heart of mine is something which can have premonitions about the rumblings and whirlwinds going on in the mind of people who are around me, whom I love and have a special bond with. Something like a quake alarm, a seismic activity detector. No matter how small the rumbling inside you, you just cannot hide it from Teetoong! Try lying about it, and Teetoong! knows!!

Teetoong! will also be a collection of my short stories, derived from real life, my friends and family and life of all those who have touched me in some way or the other and vice versa.  Should you like to share something, you are most welcome to do so [].

Do keep coming back. I'll try to update this space as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

